Wednesday, April 30, 2014

People admire reading dystopia because they can relate to their everyday life. In dystopian novels readers will see characters put in the worst-case scenarios, and trying to overcome them. The meaning of dystopia is the dream of a future society that turns into a nightmare society. In dystopian literature, one common idea between Animal Farm and Divergent is the benefit from one to another, in order to create a perfect society. The author Orwell and Roth depicts a world of chaos to live in. 
Readers will see characters have created conflict by making the wrong decision, choosing a specific side, and conflicts between leaders. In everyday life people make decisions, but the hardest thing is trying the make right choice. In Divergent, Tris has to identify herself within a society, which means she might have to abandon her own family. Roth creates a suspenseful atmosphere;  “Tomorrow, those two qualities will struggle within me and only one can win” (31). Whichever two qualities Tris chooses, she will have to live with for the rest of her life making her decision critical in choosing the right faction. In Animal farm, Mollie makes a decision that she doesn’t want to participate with everyone else, while she receives the same treatment as others. Orwell defends Mollie by letting her get away when she is late; “She was late for work every morning and excused herself by saying that she overslept, and she complained of mysterious pains, though her appetite was excellent” (45). Choosing a side that dictates how the individual is going to live their life, and where they will be living. 
In Divergent Tris has a difficult time choosing one of the five factions. At the choosing ceremony each one contains a substance that represents each faction, Abnegation is gray stones, Erudite is water, amity is earth, Dauntless is lit coals, and Candor is glass. Roth produces an anxious emotion when; “Tomorrow at the Choosing Ceremony, I will decide on a faction; I will decide the rest of my life; I will decide to stay with my family or abandon them” (2). In Animal Farm Snowball and Napoleon each have an idea on how they want to run the farm. While all the animals are voting Benjamin disagrees with their opinions.  Orwell, the author attempts to propose change while creating drama; “He refused to believe either that food would become more plentiful or that windmill would save work” (50). Only Benjamin refuses to pick a side, in which case displaying that no matter what goes on life it will be the same for him. 
In Divergent there has been tension between Eric and Four, because Four has repeatedly turned down the opportunity to become the Dauntless leader. Tris made a statement, “Maybe Eric perceives Four as a potential threat to his position” (68). Eric has an attitude of being power hungry, and always trying bring Four down, so that he can still be the leader. In Animal Farm Snowball and Napoleon are two pigs that are fighting for a leadership position in the economic and political system. “As usual, Snowball and Napoleon were in disagreement” (51). These two always seem to never conform and combine to one idea.

Destruction can be caused by relationships, the city, and the values of society. In Divergent the Abnegation faction is in charge of the government, and the Erudite believes that the Abnegation are raised to be selfish people and wants everything for them. “I have to warn my family about the war the Erudite are planning, but I don’t know how” (379). This example, explains how the members knew what was about to happen within the factions. In Animal Farm the relationship between Mr. Jones and animals wasn’t very pleasant. One weekend Mr. Jones the farmer was to drunk and forgets to feed the animals. That’s when the animals couldn’t take the starvation, and decided to become rebellious against the farmer and his four men. “They had never seen animals behave like this before, and this sudden uprising of creatures whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating just as they chose, frightened them almost out of their wits”(20).
In Divergent the city that had taken place in Chicago where there was large part of the city that looked very unpleasant. “The building that was once called the Sears Tower- we call it the Hub-emerges from the fog, a black pillar in the skyline (4)”. The city is divided into five factions and each faction has a role in taking care of a particular part of the city, but some parts of the city weren’t taken care of because of the large fence that was surrounding in the city. In Animal Farm it took place in England during the time of the Russian Revolution (1917-1945). During this time period women were tired, hungry, and angry. The same way the animals had felt being with Mr. Jones and his four men. “All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudges no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them” (59). Somewhere in England there was a farm and slaves were working on the farm in order to support their family and themselves. 
The five factions in Divergent have an impact of the values of the society because each faction has their own values and own way of thinking. The five factions are Dauntless the brave, Abnegation the selfless, Candor the honest, Amity the peaceful, and Erudite the intelligent. “In our factions, we find meaning, we find purpose, we find life” (43). Lack of understanding of the member’s differences can cause a disconnection towards the other members. In Animal Farm, readers would learn that there is totalitarianism, socialism, and communism. Once Mr. Jones ran off the animals wrote the Seven Commandments that the animals have to obey. Orwell creates a biblical allusion; “These Seven Commandments would now inscribed on the wall; they would form an unalterable law by which the animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after” (24). The Seven Commandments are set to the Animal Farm to have a better understanding of a steady leadership and be secure. 
Man vs. man, nature, and society represent a form of death. Man vs. man is when the characters encounter a struggle within each other. In Divergent Tris struggle a relationship with Molly because she is constantly mocking her. When Tris got the chance to fight Molly during the Dauntless training, Tris convey all her anger towards Molly. After Tris badly beats up Molly, states, “I wish I could say I felt guilty for what I did” (174). Which gives Molly the chance to say no more. In Animal Farm, Boxer is character that represents a hard worker. With the chaos that is surrounding Boxer he ends up killing a boy in the Battle of the Cowshed. “He is dead, said Boxer sorrowfully”(43). Boxer intention wasn’t meant to kill them, but he had to protect the farm. Man vs. nature is when a character opposes to natural forces. 
In Divergent, Tris has to deal with that she doesn’t fit into the five factions. That means Tris is dangerous to the society. “Divergence is extremely dangerous”(23). Tris being Divergent means she doesn’t belong with everyone else. In Animal farm, it is the animals vs. the windmill that was blown down from Napoleon. “Comrades, here and now I pronounce the death sentence upon Snowball”(70). It was Napoleon idea to build the windmill, but he wanted to blame Snowball for it getting ruined. The cause of the windmill was because of the storm that day. 
Man vs. society is when there is a conflict with the laws or beliefs. In Divergent, Jeanine Mathews the main leader in the Erudite faction, and has a problem with the Abnegation government. Jeanine wants to take over the Abnegation government cause she believes that they are keeping things for themselves. Jeanine expresses, “They receive commands from our computers in the transmitter we injected them with”(423). Jeanine believes that if every member is injected she can control the society.

The literary element dystopia is a way for authors to attempt to create a perfect society, but instead creating human misery. The authors Roth and Orwell show this by illustrating the benefits and the limitations each society had. Both authors display dystopia by introducing conflict; destruction and death give the reader anticipation to keep reading.